Help and FAQ

Help and Questions

General Account Questions

LEAF is open to people of all walks of life. Joining is as simple as signing in with Facebook or you may join by email. It is completely free to all members.
When you join through Social Media, we receive your name, email address and profile photo. The profile photo becomes your photo on LEAF however this can easily be changed via our settings page. Your email address is kept 100% private and used only for communications between The LEAF App and you as our member. Your name is also kept 100% private and used only in our communications with you.
You may close your account at any time by requesting to do so via our settings page when you are signed in to your LEAF account.

Collecting Memories

Collecting Memories is as easy as browsing our Ideas and clicking on the collect icon that appears in the top left of all Ideas. If your profile is public than other users may now view which Ideas you have collected.
Collecting Ideas is the first process in making a new Memory. Once your idea is collected, you're free to partake in the activity at any time. All you need to remember is to snap a photo, sign in to LEAF and upload the photo as your new Memory via our Memory page. If your profile is marked as public than all users can view your Memories.
When adding a memory we have the option for you to upload your own custom memory. This may be a photo of you doing any activity which is not part of our collection, and can be uploaded alongside your own custom title and journal entry. By adding your own memory, you can share this with others to collect provided your profile is public; by sharing your profile url.

My Profile

All profiles are public by default unless you choose to make your profile private. Once set as private only you have access to see which Ideas have been collected and what Memories have been made. To set your profile as private simply sign in and proceed to your account settings page.
Your profile photo defaults to your public Social Media Profile Photo upon joining. You may change this however by simply signing in and viewing your account settings page.
Your display name and profile bio were completed upon joining. To change either simply sign in and proceed to your account settings page.

Contact Us

If you could not find an answer to your question here, than please send us a message

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